Ebay is my Saviour
So for the last week or so I have making sure that the production is fully ready to go when we preview the show at New College this week and it occurs to me that without the joy of charity shops and Ebay I'm not sure where I'd be in terms of props and costume!
You might think that this purely because of budget and there's some truth in this but the most pertinent element is one of authenticity. You see, these characters are well worn. For Martha, she exists in the past, her trappings and costumes all remind her of a time when life was simple, beautiful. She doesn't shop in Primark or Marks and Spencer

, she browses through local places and picks things up that make her smile. And Henry and Mia, well there simply isn't money for new clothes and it never really occurs to Martha that they might need or want anything new anyway.
Therefore it is essential that all those bits and pieces they wear are old, faded, worn. Unless it's Izzy or Hugh. They definitely shop.
So thank you Ebay and Oxfam, the RSPCA and all the fabulous goldmines that provide me with just the thing that I need and will give this production the right amount of wear and tear to suit these worn out souls.
'That Face' by Polly Stenham opens at The Alma Tavern Theatre on February 14th till the 18th.
Tickets are available from www.wegottickets.com/quirkybirdtheatre.